The sun hit us hard. We had arrived in the South, in the Sun, in Greece. It was a thirsty weather and we knew little to nothing about Greek craft beer. But we knew of one place, pointed out to us by Konstantinos Avramidis of Elixi – who we found ➽
Putting likes over drinking beer
The other day I learnt what a “boss pour” is. The Craft Beer & Brewing Magazine defines it as «A stylistically improper and aromatically challenged pour whereby the pourer fills a glass to the rim without leaving a head on the beer, in vain hopes of impressing friends on social ➽
Interview with Chris Boggess, headbrewer at 3 Floyds Brewing Co.
They are loud and dark. Known for Heavy Metal, Dark Lords and Warpigs. Everything else that you need to know about 3 Floyds you can read in our interview with headbrewer Chris Boggess. >> Das Interview auf Deutsch ist hier. Which of your beers would you have served Michael Jackson? ➽
Drinking beers from Flanders and learning things
Beer is to Belgium as Cheese is to Switzerland as is Guns to the US as is ceviche to Peru: you can’t separate the two. At home we have a book called “1000 Belgian Beers” and browsing through it you’ll notice that there’s a plethora of breweries you’ve never ➽
Amsterdam, one day in April
Besides (or maybe for some: on top of) plenty of Sodom and Gomorrah, Amsterdam has a lively beer scene. Moreover, many have a tap-room for you to hang out, drink fresh beer and eat something to keep you going. There are actually so many breweries and bars that it is ➽
Interview with Greg Koch of Stone Brewing
Craft beer pioneer and visionary. Part-time voice of reason and standard bearer. Everybody who’s even only remotely interested in craft beer knows of the Stone Brewing and right after that knows of Greg Koch. He visited Switzerland and we were on location to talk to him. Das Interview auf Deutsch ➽
Greg Koch of Stone Brewing: Pre-tap takeover Q+A
Have you ever been to Switzerland? And will you attempt to eat Swiss chocolate or Swiss cheese or drink a Swiss beer first? Yes, I visited Switzerland in 1995. Stayed one night in Interlaken at Balmer’s. Not really my scene. Went on to two nights in Grindewald. Wow. Spectacular. Will ➽
When the prophet comes to the mountain – Greg Koch of Stone Brewing visits Switzerland
It was a bit of a moment, when Greg Koch, co-founder of iconic Stone Brewing walked onto the stage at BrewDog’s AGM two years ago. With his look it felt like the prophet – if not even the messiah – had arrived. But watching any of the videos that are ➽
Interview with Jean Van Roy of Brasserie Cantillon
It took a rough path to stay what they were. Jean van Roy – fighter, beer whisperer, icon – reflects, thanks and is excited about his beers finally being used for cooking. One of the world’s most renowned and in demand breweries in the world: Cantillon. Das Interview in Deutsch ➽